What to expect

We welcome all people into our churches. For some people going anywhere for the first time can be a bit of a nerve-racking experience so to help avoid any worries here’s a quick summary of what you can expect at our churches.
When should I arrive?
If you arrive about 10 to 15 minutes before the beginning of a service it will give someone a chance to welcome you and for you to find a seat. Members of our friendly Welcome Teams will be on hand when you arrive so please do ask if you need help.
How long does the service go on for?
Most Communion services last about an hour and a quarter, but all-age services without Communion aim to be no more than an hour. After most of our Sunday services refreshments will be served and we would love it if you could stay and chat.
Will I be able to park?
All of our churches have parking within easy walking distance, and at St. Mary’s you are also able to use Sainsbury’s car park opposite the church.
What should I wear?
Wear whatever you feel comfortable in. Don’t dress to try and be someone you’re not. A few people come in suits, others in jeans and tee-shirts. Whatever you wear you will be welcome.
Can I bring my children?
Yes! We love children at all of our churches and count them a valuable and essential part of our church family. There are spaces in all of our churches where children can stretch their legs and play with toys if they don’t want to sit still for the whole service and a Sunday school is provided during the morning service at All Saints’, St. Mary’s and Holy Trinity.
What will happen in a service?

Each of our churches differ slightly in style but someone will lead the service from the front and explain each stage as it happens.
Our services are normally led using printed sheets with responses for the congregation included.
In all of our services we sing songs and hymns and the words will either be provided in a book or on a sheet. We will also have prayers (sometimes called intercessions) in each service too.
We will then have a reading from the Bible and a talk about what we just heard (sometimes called a sermon). Although the Bible is an old book it remains relevant and meaningful to our modern lives. This talk will help us to live as followers of Jesus, whatever our walks of life.
The service will finish with a prayer (sometimes called a blessing) and there is plenty of time for people to socialise.
What is Communion?
Communion is where we share bread and wine together as a church family to remember the sacrifice that Jesus made by dying for us on the cross, and to obey his command that we should remember him in this way. If you are used to receiving Communion in another church you are welcome to do so with us here. Alternatively, you may prefer to receive a blessing. Of course you are welcome just to stay in your seat! Please feel comfortable to be yourself.
The bread and the wine are shared at the front of the church, at the altar rail. In some churches we stand to receive, in others we kneel. Just follow the crowd, and hopefully others will guide you.
If you would like to have a conversation about receiving Communion, or any aspect of the service, please don’t hesitate to contact the local Vicar.
Whether you have never been to church before, or have been a Christian for a long time, we hope that our services will be an encouragement and help to you. Every one of us had a first day at church – even if it was a long time ago – so if you don’t understand something then please ask. After the morning services please stay, we would love to serve you with refreshments and have a chat.
For more information about any of our churches, please get in touch with our Team Administrator on 01923 266596 or saintskl2@tiscali.co.uk