All Saints Community

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Saints on Sunday (SOS) – a group for young people from about 3 years upwards who meet during the 9.30am Sunday service – to learn about Jesus and our Christian faith through stories, activities and singing.

Tiny Tots – For pre-school children, parents and carers.  Wednesdays 10am-11.30am in the church during term-time. Toys and craft, songs and stories, refreshments and chat!  All welcome.

Choir – our choir sings at the Sunday 9.30am and other services, and is available for Weddings & Funerals.  Choir practice is on Friday evenings at 6.30pm and we are actively recruiting new members – previous experience of choir singing is not essential.

Enquirers’ Group – Father James hosts an Enquirers Group for those interested in finding out more about the Christian faith and church life.  Attendees can consider going forward to be confirmed from this course.

Bellringers – the bells are rung every Sunday and on special occasions. We practice on Wednesday evenings from 7.30pm. Visiting ringers and new recruits are always welcome. Contact Sue in the Office 01923 266596 if you are interested in joining or learning.

Pastoral Care – we have a telephone support scheme offering conversation and support over the phone to anyone who would like it. Anyone in the community who would like someone to talk to on a regular basis is welcome to sign up to this and a member of the church’s pastoral team will then keep in touch with them.  Contact Fr. James to sign up 01923 903531.

Men’s Group – our men’s group meets on a regular basis for a variety of activities which so far has included walks, talks, a brewery tour, and bowling, with more planned.  For more information contact Brian on 01923 266667.

Friends of All Saints’ (FOAS) – a group of Church and Village members who organise Quiz Nights, Fashion Evenings, Wine Tastings, Flower Arranging and other events, fund-raising to maintain the fabric of the village’s historic Parish Church. More information HERE.

Foodbank – we have an Foodbank at All Saints every Tuesday 10am to 11.30am, alongside our drop-in coffee and chat. Anyone who finds themselves, or someone they know, in need of food is welcome to come and take what they need. Donations are welcome of all non-perishable foodstuffs, toiletries and essential household items (donations can be left daily).  Thank you to everyone who generously donates.  The items we are currently in need of are listed HERE.  All surplus items are taken by All Saints to DENS.

Churches Together in Kings – We have a strong bond with our Christian friends at Christ Church Baptist, the Methodist, & Waterside Baptist churches.  We hold occasional joint services and courses and the joint Christian Aid Committee raises large sums of money and campaigns on issues including Third World Debt and Climate Change.

Fun making Easter Gardens on Good Friday