St Benedict’s Groups and Activities

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Church and Community
The congregation of St Benedict'sThe church believes it is here to enable its members to grow in faith and serve the parish in a practical way by providing resources and enabling community projects e.g. Parent and Toddler Groups and Uniformed Groups. The hall is used to provide a home for many local community groups.

There are well-established links with local primary schools – school groups visit the Church for R.E. lessons and special services, and we are always delighted to welcome choirs to sing in the Church (as Hobbs Hill choir did at Harvest Festival). The church is also active in school through assemblies. Bennetts End has an excellent community centre.

St benedicts church hall during a winter fayre



During weekdays, the church hall is used for Parent and Toddlers, two groups of Brownies, Rainbows, children’s workshops and groups from the community. We have a lively group of young people and committed leaders. Each October half term we have run children’s workshops that are open to everyone, including this one – ‘Super Saints’!