Keeping in Touch 39: Roadmap

Dear Friends,

Like me, you may be feeling more positive this week with the Prime Minister’s announcement of the ‘roadmap’ out of the present lockdown. It’s good to have some markers that we’re all aiming for, subject to those four tests… On the other hand, you may be feeling anxious about society opening back up again. Wherever we are on that scale, it’ll be important to continue to ‘bear with one another in love’ (Ephesians 4.2) as the weeks unfold.

Part of your Lenten journey might be to reflect on your experience of the Pandemic in these last 11 months. You might like to use this resource from CPAS which invites us to reflect on what we are thankful for, what we are lamenting, what we are learning and what is our prayer: My Pandemic Experience – Church ( There is also a version for young families to do together: My Pandemic Experience – Family (

It’s not quite a roadmap, but the reordering committee has had a good look at your responses to the initial reordering consultation document and has produced an overview of your feedback. Thank you to everyone who responded. The key thing to share is that there is 90% support overall for a reordering and that support comes with lots of great suggestions and questions. The feedback overview also outlines the next steps, and there will be some more information about this in the coming weeks. You can find it here.

Continuing on the roadmap theme, you may be wondering when we will be able to return to public worship in All Saints. The PCC are currently considering this question (virtually, via email!) so I hope to be able to share more with you here next week.

With my love and prayers for you,

All Saints Vicarage,
Thursday 25th February 2021