Dear Friends,
This week I just want to use my letter to draw your attention to the services and resources that we’re making available to you this Lent. All the details so far are in purple below. Everyone is welcome to just ‘turn up’ to the virtual Ash Wednesday and Celtic Evening Prayer services. If you would like to join in the Lent course please contact me to let me know if you would like to attend on Monday evenings or Tuesday afternoons.
For the Ash Wednesday Morning Prayer service everyone is welcome to make some ashes for use at home. Instructions are in the order of service. Please ensure that you do this safely, including using oil, not water (using water can create an acid). Don’t worry if you’re not sure about making the ash yourself, you can just make the sign of the cross on your forehead with your finger.
With my love and prayers for you,
All Saints Vicarage,
Thursday 11th February 2021
Lent 2021 at All Saints
Ash Wednesday
9am Morning Prayer via Zoom – click here to join
Meeting ID: 871 9092 2907 Password: 192053
Click here for the order of service.
8pm Team Eucharist – this will be available on our YouTube channel
Click here for the order of service.
Celtic Evening Prayer
7.30pm Every Wednesday between 24 February and 24 Mar via Zoom – click here to join
Meeting ID: 883 0383 0361 Password: 431441
(An order of service will be available nearer the time.)
Lent course: Caring for Creation
Mondays at 7.30pm and Tuesdays at 2.30pm during Lent via Zoom
Join in the Churches Together Lent Course. This year we are using the York Course, ‘Caring for Creation’, which will help us to think about how Christian faith encourages us to take s.eriously the call to care for the earth and gives us hope that things can change .and progress can be made. Click here for more information. We hope to have individual copies of the course book for participants to purchase.