Dear Friends,
It is my great pleasure to tell you that our choir are back! In line with recent advice from the government, allowing up to 15 people to sing together, we can once again enjoy this much-valued part of our worshipping life. Sadly, congregations still don’t have a green light to join in. Thank you for your patience! If you find yourself unable to wait any longer to sing ‘hymns, psalms and spiritual songs’ (Col. 3.16) then why not join the choir? Jill McAdam, our director of music would be delighted to chat to you if you’d like to join: 01923 266667 jilly_mac@sky.com. Choir practice is at 6.30pm on a Friday for a fun and friendly hour of warm-ups, hymns and anthems. You just need to enjoy singing!
Our worship has been ‘stripped back’ in the last few weeks as we re-entered the church. Some of you may have enjoyed the quieter style – a chance for reflection and stillness in this uncertain time. You may also have enjoyed the shorter service time! There’s been less music, less movement and fewer readings. But we have still had the core of what we are about – gathering around the Word, sharing in Christ at the Altar and connecting with each other, though admittedly in a more limited way. Whether virtually or in person this is what forms us as God’s people and nurtures us to serve our community. We have done our best to continue to follow in the footsteps of the early church:
They devoted themselves to the apostles’ teaching and fellowship, to the breaking of bread and the prayers. Awe came upon everyone, because many wonders and signs were being done by the apostles. All who believed were together and had all things in common; they would sell their possessions and goods and distribute the proceeds to all, as any had need. Day by day, as they spent much time together in the temple, they broke bread at home and ate their food with glad and generous hearts, praising God and having the goodwill of all the people. And day by day the Lord added to their number those who were being saved. (Acts 2. 42-47).
You may remember that we referred to this passage when we reviewed our Mission Action Plan last year – this description of the early church is an important basis for our vision and values. Our vision is to be, ‘All Saints: church in our community; community in our church’, and our values are ‘Growing, Open, Joyful, Caring and Prayerful’. Now that we are heading cautiously (with everyone else!) towards the ‘new normal’ we can return to our vision and values to help us shape the next leg of our journey. What is the song we are called to sing in this place in this time – the ‘new song’ to echo the eternal Song of God’s love.
Many people have enabled us to hold two services over the last few weeks, and I am very grateful to you. But a return to one main service at 9.30am, enriched by the voices of our choir, is a great step on our journey towards that ‘new normal’. Next stop: coffee!
I would also like to say a huge thank you to everyone who has been able to respond to the recent Stewardship letter. And it’s not too late to respond if you haven’t done so(!). If you would like any help with setting up regular giving, gift aid, or transferring from the envelope scheme to a standing order please speak to Eric Martin: 01923 267604. And if you can sign up to Gift Aid you can find the form HERE. I know that some of you will not be able to review your giving at this challenging time. If you are in any need please get in touch with me or the Churchwardens, or get in touch with Kings Langley Good Neighbours: www.klgna.org or 07790 668672.
If you haven’t looked in on a Sunday service for a while, then perhaps this week is a good one to venture back. With a few more of us present, and the choir to encourage us with their voices, I hope it will lift your spirits.
With my love and prayers for you,
All Saints Vicarage,
Feast of Gregory the Great, Thursday 2nd September 2020
This week at All Saints:
9.30am Family Eucharist also live-streamed via the website and available afterwards via the website and YouTube