Your parish church, All Saints’ Church, is delighted that we can hold our seventh Christmas Tree Festival on the weekend of 13th to 15th December 2024, and we would love you to participate.

The Christmas Tree festival is an opportunity for organisations and families in the village to be part of a spectacular display within this beautiful historic church by decorating a Christmas tree -– and you can either decorate it in a style or theme to tell a story or represent your group or organisation, or you can decorate it in the theme of ‘Peace’.

All the details and entry information can be found below.

It is not a competition; there are no prizes, simply a great opportunity to show your organisation in an imaginative and festive way and to be part of a unique mixture of heritage, community expression, and fun – all part of our celebration of Christmas.

During the festival, the public are invited (for a small entrance donation) to wander through the forest of decorated trees in a socially distanced way, enjoying refreshments and soaking up the festive atmosphere.

You can either provide your own tree and decorate it, or we can provide a tree for you.  We ask participating organisations to make a donation to cover the cost of the tree (£20 for non-profit groups, £35 for businesses) and to provide your own lights and decorations.  If you provide your own tree and stand, we ask for a small donation of £15 for businesses, £5 for individuals and non-profit groups.   If you are able to increase your donation to support our outreach work, we would of course be very grateful.

We can provide power for tree lights if needed, and we do prefer you to use LED lights please.  There will be space by the tree for information about your organisation (max A4 size), each tree will be identified with the exhibitor and tree title, and you can provide an explanation in a few words which will be printed in the programme.  After the festival, we invite you to take away the tree and maybe display it in your own premises, or you can leave it with us.

The spaces for trees are limited in number and we will allocate them on a first come first served basis.

You can enter online HERE or print and complete a form HERE as soon as possible!

If you have questions, check our FAQs first, or email

Thank you very much!

All Saints Christmas Tree Festival team