Welcome to St Mary's Apsley End
We are a busy, active church, very keen to welcome any newcomers or visitors to our services or to any of our other events.
What's On @ St. Mary's
Service times
9.30am Eucharist on Sundays at St Mary’s Apsley End.
9.30am Eucharist on Thursdays at St Mary’s Apsley End.
Our Vicar: Mother Alice Jolley
Mother Alice read Theology at Durham University before training for ordination at Westcott House, Cambridge. She served her curacy in the City of Lincoln before moving to the Diocese of St Albans. Alice is currently reading for an LLM in Canon Law at Cardiff University, and is interested in the intersection between Ecclesiastical Law and the mission of the Church. She also enjoys walking, reading novels, making music, and cooking for a crowd. She shares her life with her partner, Coral, and their greyhound, Fernando.
Food Bank
St Mary’s has a free foodbank, open every Tuesday from 12.30 to 2.30pm and Thursday from approx 10am to 12 noon. So anyone (of any creed or none) in need of food is very welcome to pop into our refectory at the back of the church to ask for what they need at that time. There are also free refreshments available and very simple hot food. No vouchers are required.
Donations of non perishable goods (which are most welcome!) can be left on Thursdays at the church or else at any time at Dunelm Mill who very kindly give their services to support this initiative.
St Benedict’s Church in Bennett’s End is also an outpost of the foodbank and is open on Wednesday’s from approx 9.30am to 11.30.
St Mary’s Church: Open for Private Prayer on Thursdays.
Every Thursday, our church is open from about 9.30am until sometime between 3pm and dusk and everyone is most welcome to come to enjoy some quiet time with God.
You are welcome to light a candle and place it in the candle stand, and to write prayer requests and place them in the wooden box at the front of the chapel.
Feedback on whether this opening of the church is useful with suggestions to improve it is very welcome.
Weekly financial giving to the church
Our church continues to have all of its usual expenses to pay.
So, if you normally make your weekly financial offering to St Mary’s in cash, and if you are in a position financially to do so, please could you now consider making your offering online either on a weekly basis or by setting up a standing order?
Please contact our treasurer, Laura Graham-Brown via email: treasurer@stmarysapsleyend.onmicrosoft.com for details.
I’m sure she’ll be delighted to hear from you!
Or you can make a one off donation here
Our neighbours Oxygen Druglink have sent a new newsletter for our interest.
Safeguarding @ St Mary’s
As part of the Diocese of St. Albans in the Church of England, we are committed to safeguarding as an integral part of the life and ministry of the Church. This means taking action as a church to promote a safer culture where the welfare of children, young people and adults is paramount, to prevent abuse occurring, to protect those at risk and to respond well to those that have been abused. We will always take care to identify where a person may present a risk to others, and act accordingly.
Services @ St Mary’s
9.30am – Sung Eucharist & Young Peoples’ Groups
3.00pm – Messy Church (every month normally 3rd Sunday).
Thursdays at 9.30am – Said Eucharist or Morning Prayer
Contact us @ St Mary’s
Contact Details
Team Vicar
Rev Alice Jolley
01442 615246
Church Wardens
Harry Graham-Brown 07918 071542
Sylvia Low 07742 610932
Katharine Harper 07881 602024
St Mary’s Church
London Rd
Hemel Hempstead
07503 950315 (Benefice Office)