St Mary’s Groups and Activities
Weekly Activities
Sunday School meet during the 9.30am service every Sunday.
Bellringing Practice is Monday at 8.00pm.
Buzzy Bees – a very lively mums/dads/grandparents and toddler group meets in the refectory at 9.30am every Tuesday during term time.
The Working Party meets on Mondays and Fridays 10.00am – 12 noon cleaning the church and maintaining the churchyard.
Thursday morning Eucharist is at 9.30am followed by refreshments and then study group.
Saturday Morning Community Cafe from 10.00am until 12 noon serving refreshments.
New members are always welcome at any of these activities.
Developing our Faith
We have several home groups / study groups. One is most Thursday evenings at 8pm on The Manor Estate, one is most Thursday mornings at Church after the 9.30am Eucharist and there is a monthly group which prays specifically for health and healing. Throughout the year there are Lent and Advent study groups as well as other meetings and occasions for nurturing faith and spirituality.
Every third Tuesday morning we hold services at both Florence Longman House and Watermill Care Home.
Messy Church

The first Messy Church at St Mary’s was held in January 2013 and now takes place every month (normally on the third Sunday of the month) from 3pm to 5.30pm. So what is it all about – it is a church for adults and children and its fun. It includes some creative time to explore a biblical theme with music, drama, dance, games and mess. The afternoon finishes with a simple meal together. So why not come and join us?
Family Stations of the Cross
As part of our Lenten preparations during Holy Week before Easter we have an alternative stations of the cross service on Good Friday. The service takes place in Church and around in the Churchyard. It aims to retell the events leading up to Jesus’ death and allow for contemplation at each station. You can see some photographs of some of the different stations from this year’s service below.
Community Foodbank
There is a community foodbank which runs at St Mary’s on Tuesdays – 12.30-2.30pm and Thursdays – 10am – 12noon. Everyone is welcome. Donations of non perishable goods are most welcome and can be left on Thursdays at church or also at Dunelm Mill who kindly give their services to support this initiative.
At St Mary’s Apsley we also have close links with the following local charities.
DENS: A charity helping those who are homeless or facing homelessness in Dacorum
DENS update
DENS are still very busy and active and have been finding innovative ways of working during this difficult time. See their latest news here.
Oxygen Recovery Service at Nascent House
We have continued to support the Oxygen Recovery scheme since the initial lockdown in March and members of the congregation have been very committed to the scheme which means we have been able to supply every new resident with a Welcome Box. We have had many messages of thanks from the clients as well which is so heart warming.
There have been changes to the way that the Oxygen Recovery programme is now operating. They are offering a two-week programme alongside 6 & 12 weeks. In discussion with the staff, we decided to adapt our scheme for the client’s stay rather than provide a complete Welcome Box for everyone. We will supply a wash bag with a few important items, and of course a packet of sweets, for those on the two week programme containing things that you would take away when you go on holiday such as small pack of tissues, toothbrush, small toothpaste, deodorant, shower gel etc. When a new resident is expected, we would be told which programme they are completing and provide the items as appropriate. Only residents booking for the longer programmes would receive a complete box.
If you wish to join this scheme, please email Susan ( or Viv ( to discuss what is involved. Viv and Susan will then work out a rota of contacting people for the specific things required to keep the stock at an appropriate level.