Fundraising Objectives

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The main aim of our Fund Raising Group is to organise varied and fun events that appeal to our church family as well as our local community. In 2019 we were able to purchase smart new chairs and some tables for the refectory.

More recently we raised money to go towards the refurbishment of the refectory which took place in 2021. We also make a donation at the end of the year, from money raised to our chosen charity which this year is MIND.

If you wish to make a donation, you can:-

Speak to or email our Treasurer:Laura Graham-Brown –

Or you can make a one off donation here

The St Marys 200 Club is a monthly draw in which there are 4 winners. You must be over 18 to join in and the costs are £1.00 per number. Please speak to Tim Ward, a church warden or a member of the PCC if you are interested in joining.