Easter Services at St Benedict’s and St Mary’s

Easter Sunday services. 6am First Eucharist of Easter with lighting of the fire. 9.30am family eucharist. 10.30am Easter egg hunt. St Benedicts Services. 13th April 11.30am Eucharist and blessing of the palms. Holy Saturday 2pm people are welcome to help clean and dress the church. Easter Sunday Eucharist at 11.15am. Easter Week at St Marys. Palm Sunday will have a 9.30am Eucharist with the blessing of the palms. Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday will have 7pm until 8pm silent prayer with Compline. Maundy Thursday will have Eucharist with washing of feet at 7pm. On Good Friday there will be an 11.30am interactive stations of the cross and a liturgy at 2pm. On Holy Saturday people are invited to help clean and dress the Church at 10am.

Service times

11.15amSt Benedict’s at Bennett’s End logo  Eucharist,  family friendly  service followed by  refreshments. 

Preparation of a new electoral roll

In accordance with Church of England rules, all churches must prepare a new electoral roll this year. This means everyone who wants to be on the electoral roll for church must fill out the application form again. Forms will be available in church from 13th April and must be returned no later than 25th April. The new roll will be displayed in church on the 26th April. If you have any questions see either, Marina, Alice or a church warden.

NOTICE IS GIVEN that we are applying to the Consistory Court of the diocese for permission to carry out the following:
The removal of the pipe organ and its disposal or sale for parts.
Please read the attached document for more details.

About St. Benedict's

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St. Benedict’s Church stands at a busy junction, opposite the main Bennett’s Gate shops. The building was completed in the late 1950s, and was based on the model of Coventry cathedral. It includes a disabled access WC, installed proudly after much fund-raising by the then Vicar and congregation in 2013. The hall and other toilet facilities are situated below the main church building, with access via the church and also through nearby Barnacres Road. The church prides itself on giving a warm welcome to all.  As part of its Mission Action Plan, the church recently replaced its noticeboard with a more modern one, and aims to open the church during the weekday, to provide a ‘sacred space’ and place of rest and spiritual refreshment.

What’s On at St Benedict’s

Our Vicar: Mother Alice Jolley

Mother Alice read Theology at Durham University before training for ordination at Westcott House, Cambridge.  She served her curacy in the City of Lincoln before moving to the Diocese of St Albans. Alice is currently reading for an LLM in Canon Law at Cardiff University, and is interested in the intersection between Ecclesiastical Law and the mission of the Church. She also enjoys walking, reading novels, making music, and cooking for a crowd. She shares her life with her partner, Coral, and their greyhound, Fernando.

Safeguarding @ St. Benedict's

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As part of the Diocese of St. Albans in the Church of England, we are committed to safeguarding as an integral part of the life and ministry of the Church. This means taking action as a church to promote a safer culture where the welfare of children, young people and adults is paramount, to prevent abuse occurring, to protect those at risk and to respond well to those that have been abused. We will always take care to identify where a person may present a risk to others, and act accordingly.

Our Parish Safeguarding Officer at St Benedicts is:

Katharine Harper 07881 602024

The Diocesan Safeguarding Adviser is Mr Jez Hirst who can be contacted at 01727 818107 / 07867 350886  safeguarding@stalbans.anglican.org

Our Safeguarding Policy, Privacy Notice and Safeguarding Guidelines can be found here.  Please click on the links below to view.


promoting-a-safer-church-poster-St Marys-1

St Benedicts Draft Safeguarding Policy June 2024.docx

St Benedict’s Data Privacy Notice

St Benedict’s Safeguarding Guidelines